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Estate Planning

Tammy Morin Nakashima Notary Corp.

Estate Planning Services

Last Wills and Testaments

I invite you to see that making your Will is actually easier than you imagined.

Many people procrastinate making a Will because they don’t know where to begin. What information needs to be gathered? How much detail needs to be recorded? What if I change my mind later on? And, Why do I need one any way?

Having served many clients and their families over the years, we know how to alleviate much of the stress surrounding this process.

Call or e-mail us to set up your appointment and strike this one task off your list of “To Do’s.”

Why do I need a Will, and What Information is needed to get it started?

If you neglect to appoint someone to look after winding up your affairs, the government is automatically in control of your estate.

A common mistake is to think that if you own your house and bank accounts in joint tenancy with your loved one, that a Will isn’t necessary. The question is: If you died in a common disaster, is only your spouse’s family to benefit? Do you want the government in control? In the absence of a Will, that is likely what would happen. Further, if you have minor children, your Will is the mechanism that appoints a guardian. Without a Will, your children will go to foster care.

How do I get started?

Call to make an appointment. It’s that easy. At your initial consultation, Tammy will guide you as to what information you need, specific to your circumstance, in order to finalize your Will.

Powers of Attorney

Powers of Attorney are for appointing one or more people to handle your financial matters if you are unable or unavailable to handle them yourself.

Contact our office to set an appointment. At your initial consultation, Tammy will guide you as to what information you need, specific to your circumstance, in order to finalize your Power of Attorney.

Representation Agreements

Representation Agreements are for appointing one or more people to handle your health matters if you are unable to handle them yourself.

Contact our office to set an appointment. At your initial consultation, Tammy will guide you as to what information you need, specific to your circumstance, in order to finalize your Representation Agreement.

Transmissions to Executor or Surviving Joint Owners

We are sorry for your loss.

Contact our office to set an appointment. At your initial consultation, Tammy will guide you as to what information you need, specific to your circumstance, in order to finalize the property Transmission. Please bring an original Death Certificate to your initial consultation.