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Contact Us

Tammy Morin Nakashima Notary Corp.
#209 – 3740 Chatham Street
Richmond, BC V7E 2Z3

Phone: 604-275-0070
Fax: 604-275-0080
Wheelchair-Accessible elevator on left side of building near handicapped parking.

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 – 5:00 & Friday: 9:00 – 4:00
Closed on evenings, weekends, Statutory Holidays, and on certain days at Christmas time.
Hospital & House calls: By specific appointment. There is an additional fee for this service. Call for details.

Bring two pieces of current, government-issued identification (ID) – at least one with your picture on it — with you to our office.

Our office accepts payment by credit card (Visa or MasterCard), debit card (bank card), cash, and cheque. We do not accept payment by American Express.